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Scenocosme : Gregory Lasserre & Anais met den Ancxt

Gregory Lasserre and Anais met den Ancxt are two artists who work together as a duo under the name Scenocosme.

They develop the concept of interactivity in their artworks by using multiple kind of expression : art, technology, sounds and architecture.
They mix art and digital technology in order to find substances of dreams, poetries, sensitivities and delicacies. They also explore invisible relationships with our environment: they can feel energetic variations of living beings. They design interactive artworks, and choreographic collective performances, in wich spectators share extraordinary sensory experiences.
Interactive and digital art, installation, design, music, architecture... are combined in the projects realised by Scenocosme.

Current and upcoming exhibitions

Museum Sinclair-Haus - Bad Homburg (Germany)
"Among Plants"
Curator : Moritz Ohlig
Akousmaflore, Pulsations
until 17/08/2025
Particle + Wave Media Art Festival - Calgary (Canada)
Curator : Emmedia gallery / Sharon Kahanoff
until 29/03/2025
Artechouse - innovative art space - Washington (USA)
"Blooming Wonders"
until 09/04/2025
Intermediae - Matadero Madrid - centro de creación contemporánea - Madrid (Spain)
Biophest Festival
Curator : Eva F. Cortés, Elena Páez
04/04/2025 - 06/04/2025
Science Gallery Monterrey - Monterrey (Mexico)
 “Brave New Future”
until 15/07/2025
Festival Videoformes / Festival International d'Art Numériques - Clermont-Ferrand (Fr)
Curator : Gabriel Soucheyre
Lights contacts
until 30/03/2025
Festival Recto VRso - Festival d'art immersif et interactif - Laval (Fr)
Laval Virtual - Laval (Fr)
 "Pop Chaos!"
Curator : Judith Guez
10/04/2025 - 13/04/2025
Musée des Marais Salants - Batz-sur-mer (Fr)
"Subtiles Métamorphoses" 
Solo show
Metamorphy, Cogito ergo sum, Sonolithique etc.
10/04/2025 - 02/11/2025
Domaine Vranken Pommery - Reims (Fr)
Experience Pommery #17 : « Forever »
Curator : Fabrice Bousteau
until 31/12/2025
Le couvent des Carmes - Beauvoir-en-Royans (Fr)
Curator : Thomas Ledoux
Akousmaflore, Pulsations
16/04/2025 - 02/11/2025
Théâtre National de Cavaillon : la Garance - Cavaillon (Fr)
"Les vies fabuleuses"
Curator : Anne Sophie Bérard
Akousmaflore, Pulsations
until 26/06/2025

Future exhibitions

- Wonderspaces Arts Celebration - Austin (USA)
  Curator : Jason Shin
- Artechouse - innovative art space - Houston (USA)
- Festival d'Arts numériques - Les Folies numériques - Fort de Mont Dauphin & Vallée de Crévoux (Fr)
- Musée du château de Flers (Fr)
- Musée de la Dentelle de Caudry (Fr)
- Palais de la découverte - Paris (Fr)
  Curator : Floriane Perot et Sophie Radix / Universcience
- Château de Ranrouët - Herbignac (Fr)
  "Subtiles résonances" 
  Solo show
- Biennale ArtFareins - sculpture contemporaine - Fareins (Fr)
  Parc du Château Bouchet
  Curator : Jacques Fabry

Artworks / Installations

Lights contacts
An interactive sound installation with body and skin from public (Interactive Installation)

Akousmaflore : Sensitive and interactive musical plants
(Installation and interactive space) 

Metamorphy : (Interactive Installation)

Les cent visages :(The Hundred faces) Interactive artwork  installation / interactive morphing

Membranes : Sound and interactive sculpture with leathers

Cogito ergo sum : Sensitive and interactive salt skull 

Inspirations : Sensitive and interactive artwork made of clay

Fluides : liquid interactive installation 

Ecorces : Visual and sonorous interactive artwork 
interrelations between human heat and flesh of wood

Souffles : Interactive installation evolving with the rhythm of the breathing of the spectators.

Kymapetra : The singing stones  (Interactive Installation) 
Installation sonore interactive

SphèrAléas : interactive / sound / image installation
(Installation and interactive space) 

Alsos* : Sound creation comes from light intensity
(Installation and interactive space) 

Matières sensibles : Sound Sculpture on wood 
Interactive marquetry & Bio hacking

Rencontres imaginaires : Behavioral interactive videos works

Firmament éphémère : Performance / concert
(Interactive performance) 

Ombres incandescentes : (Interactive Installation) 

Phonofolium : Interactive and sonorous tree

Phonofolium et Lux : Interactive lighting and sonorous tree

Echos : Sound installation 

Ecumes : Interactive installation wood and video

Dilution : interactive installation

Domestic plant : interactive installation

Rencontres réelles et imaginaires : Immersive interactive space

La maison sensible : Interactive installation

Dark matter : Vacuum and matter : Visual and sound interactive artwork

Dark matter : Quantum fog : Visual and sound interactive artwork

Dark matter : The discrete symmetries : Visual interactive artwork

Scenocosme : Gregory Lasserre & Anais met den Ancxt -