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Interactives installations

Akousmaflore :
Sensitive and interactive musical plants
(scenography for interactive plants)
Akousmaflore is a small garden composed of living musical plants or flowers, which react to human gestures and light contact.
Each plant reacts in a different way to contact by a specific sound. The plant language occurs through touch and the close proximity of the spectator. |

Metamorphy :
Interactive installation
Métamorphy artwork offers immersive and projections of body by mixing real and imaginary reflects. Métamorphy refers to metamorphosis notion and the prefix « méta » means ideas of change, succession, to go beyond. |

Lights contacts :
Interactive sound installation with body and skin from public
Lights Contacts is an interactive artwork perceptible by two people or more. This sensory installation is tactile and sonorous. It proposes an original and interactive staging among spectators' bodies. They are transformed into real sonorous human instruments. |

Cyclic :
Immersive, visual and sound interactive installation
“Cyclic” generates relationships between visitors and invite them to share time in a collective performance. The ritual dimension offers to the spectators a unique artistic experience, symbolic and meditative. In this artwork, the spectators are invited to take time, to sit down all together, to join theirs hands for activate the installation : an immersive visual and sonorous artistic experience around a symbolic fireplace. |

Vibrisses : Immersive installation made with feathers
“Vibrisses” : a sensory artwork made in feathers
“Vibrisses” is an interactive sound, light and immersive installation artwork. It is composed of a several hanging feathers like a cloud of 3 m in diameter. The artwork is delicate, sensitive and airy. The visitor can enter inside for explore it, touch it, feel it. |

Reliquiae mirabilis :
Interactive sculpture
This interactive sculpture is made from branches of dead trees taken from the forest. The sculpted tree reconstituted comes back to life symbolically. The liquid oozes, pearls, trickles down meticulously, slowly or quickly depending on the approach of the audiences.

Les cent visages :(The Hundred faces)
Interactive artwork
installation / interactive morphing
This artwork is composed of a multitude faces from people.
The interactive installation grows and evolves during all the exhibition period. A face appears in video projection on a fine circle made with stretch fabric. It is a symbolic skin to touch and explore.
When someone caresses / touches lightly deeply the fabric, another part of an other face appears under the hand.
Like a Russian doll, the faces are nested in each others. Or like a multitude of puzzle of faces superimposed each others . |

Membranes : Sound and interactive sculpture with leathers
«Membranes» is a new interactive artwork made with leathers.
This interactive and sound installation is composed of two skins stretched. It’s possible to interact alone or together on both sides. The leathers react to the electrostatic contacts of the human body. Each contact produces scalable sounds, depending on the quality of the approach and depth of the contact. |

Cogito ergo sum : Sensitive and interactive salt skull
This interactive artwork is composed of a salt skull fixed to a mirror on the top of a pedestal and a quadriphonic headphone.
The skull is made of several interactive zones which produce sounds with electrostatic contact of the visitor. The spectator is invited to put the headphone in order to explore with his hands the different zones of the salt skull. This intimist staging generates a symbolic mirror between the salt skull and the head of the visitor. |

Inspirations :
Sensitive and interactive artwork made of clay
This interactive arwork in clay reacts to touch and breath by organic and vibrant sounds.
It echoes back the intensity of the breath of the spectator. |

Kymapetra :
The singing stones
The artwork is made of stones and a central basin with water put on a black pedestal. The spectator, while puts his hand above a stone, enters in resonance with it. The light touch body/matter is transformed into sound vibrations. |

Fluides :
liquid interactive installation
Fluides is an organic and reactive artwork in which a sensitive water gathers energy from the spectators' hands. This water is an unifying thread which conducts bodies' energies in the center of the installation through infinite sonorous and luminous fluid landscapes. |

Ecorces (barks) :
Visual and sonorous interactive artwork
interrelations between human heat and flesh of wood
Heat contacts of spectators leave sonorous and luminous traces. Each heatprint allows to animate a possible memory of the wood. Bodyprint and handprint's heat of the spectator reveals, makes visible and audible. |

Alsos :
Sound creation comes from light intensity
(Installation and interactive space)
The spectator enter inside a fantastic forest, with a flashlight. The fluorescent flowers react by a sound to the modifications of luminous flows. Each flower camouflaged light sensors in their pistil. |

SphèrAléas :
Interactive / sound / image installation
(Installation and interactive space)
SpherAleas is made of a half-spherical structure and of an evolutionary device wich makes man, image and sound interact thanks to digital tools. This space is ideal for collective performances; it accommodates in its centre a constellation of visible shapes, sound loops and luminous vibratory elements. |
Rencontres imaginaires :
Behavioral interactive videos works
When a visitor enters into the room, he is faced to an interactive mirror screen. This one reflects his body, his face. Virtual hands and faces trying to touch it, to catch him. |

Phonofolium :
Interactive and sonorous tree
Phonofolium is an interactive artwork with a living tree reacting to the human touch by a sound, a voice |

Urban Lights contacts :
Interactive sound installation with body and skin in the public space
«Urban Lights Contacts» is an interactive artwork perceptible by two people and more.
This installation take place in the public space in front of a building. This sensory installation is tactile, luminous and sonorous. It proposes an original and interactive stagings of the spectators’ bodies. They are transformed into real sonorous human instruments. |
La maison sensible :
Interactive installation
La maison sensible is an interactive installation that augments the physical space and the relationship between an onlooker and a fragile and subtle environment. We use different types of discrete sensors to transform the walls, the furniture, the floor of an exhibition room staged as a living room, into delicate, sensible, sensitive, and reactive interfaces. |

Marée noire (Oil spill) : Connected artwork
This artwork is connected to internet and is scanning in real-time the RSS feeds of the medias.
The installation is made of a monitor for show some fractions of this furtive and immediate informations.
A medical perfusion bag is hanged above the monitor : this one is on perfusion, but the small bag of liquid contains black ink.
When some words referring to conflicts like disaster, tragedy or calamity of our society appear on the screen, then the real black ink covers the screen. |

Matière noire : Vide et matière
Dark matter : Vacuum and matter
Visual and sound interactive artwork
This interactive installation is a black parallelepiped. All interior and exterior surfaces reflect themselves to infinity. A hole allows to enter one's hand inside the box. Once in the volume of the glass box, the hand is covered on both sides by a visual and sound texture that reminds of the flow of particles going through our bodies at all times. |

Matière noire : Brouillard quantique
Dark matter : Quantum fog
Visual and sound interactive artwork
The viewer is sitting in front of a glass sphere. He/she is invited to take the time to watch it. When he/she looks at one part of the glass sphere, a visual and sound intrinsic agitation rises in the sphere. If the viewer focuses specifically on one part of the sphere, it becomes brighter and the forms become more distinct. When he focuses an another point of the sphere, this part is lit with the same intrinsic agitation, but sometimes with a different aspect. This sphere allows the viewer to imagine what could be a quantum object at the human scale. |

Matière noire : Les symétries discrètes
Dark matter : The discrete symmetries
Visual interactive artwork
The viewer is faced with a mirror that will choose randomly symmetries to apply to his reflection. These symmetries are inspired by the 3 discrete symmetries of the subatomic world. Each "universe" shown by the mirror corresponds to an "alternative" universe, where events can be plausible or unexpected. In the same way, the symmetries of the subatomic world result in processes which are authorized on some cases, and sometimes prohibited by the physics laws. |

Phonofolium et Lux :
Interactive lighting and sonorous tree
Phonofolium et Lux is an interactive artwork with a living tree reacting to the human touch by sounds and lights. |

Souffles 2 (Breaths) :
Interactive installation evolving with the rhythm of the breathing of the spectators.
Souffles is an interactive and collective artwork where the breathes of the audience gradually reveal the integrality of circular generative videos landscapes. |

Souffles 1 (Breaths) :
Interactive installation evolving with the rhythm of the breathing of the spectators.
Souffles is an interactive and collective artwork where the breathes of the audience gradually reveal the integrality of circular generative videos landscapes. |

Echos :
Sound installation
The reliefs of the times engraved in the rings of this mulberry tree are feeling and reading in real time and produce rhythmic sound. |

Domestic plant :
Behavioral and interactive musical plant
Domestic plant behaves artificially like a wild animal in captivity. This plant has capacities to interact with it environment, to sense physical dimensions, and to feel strokes of living beings. This plant is a kind of cyborg possessing a robotic system for moving. |

Empathies : Iinteractives artworks
This exhibition entitled "Empathies" brings together several artworks who question our relationship to the natural, technological and social environment through the contact, touch, and proxemic distances.

Fluorythme 2 : Sound installation
Fluorythme interprets the natural fluorescence of plants, which varies between blue-green and orange under UV light. The rhythmic and sound depending on the leaves under the reading head of the turntable.

Dilution :
liquid interactive installation
"Dilution" is make with a basin full of a sensitive water.
The memory of this water wake up in contact with the hand of the audience. |

Akousmaflore et Lux :
Interactive Installation with sonorous plants and lights.
"Akousmaflore et Lux" is an interactive installation, a garden composed of living plants, which react to gentle contact by sounds and lights. This artwork is the luminous version of Akousmaflore |

Synergies :
Interactive and participative mapping
Synergies is an interactive, collective and performative digital artwork installation renewing the approach of the video mapping. |

Mécaniques Imaginaires :
“Mécaniques Imaginaires” is an interactive digital artwork.
The artwork’s software enables creating in real time infinite narrative scenes by manipulating plenty of “video elements“. |

Kryophone :
“Kryophone“ is a sonorous and luminous interactive sculpture made of ice. This interactive sculpture is composed with ice and reacts to the electrostatic touch of bodies. Sounds and light evolve according to the intensity of electrostatic contact.
At the same time the human heat will transform and model in a new way the ice sculpture.

Sonolithique :
This visual, sonourous and interactive artwork is inspired by the lithophone.
The spectators can scratch slowly each of the stones to explore their resonance. The different vibrations are augmented by a visual and sonorous relationship. The cymatic visuals come from wave shapes made visible in liquids. |

Reactive matter : Rhizome :
Interactive behavioural installation
Programmable material and electronic clay
"Reactive matter" is a series of interactive behavioural artworks realised with specific kind of "Programmable Matter" hardware.
These artwork reacts like a living organism.

Reactive matter : Voxels structure
Interactive behavioural installation
Programmable material and electronic clay
"Reactive matter" is a series of interactive behavioural artworks realised with specific kind of "Programmable Matter" hardware.
These artwork reacts like a living organism. |

Reactive matter : Arborescence
Interactive behavioural installation
Programmable material and electronic clay
"Reactive matter" is a series of interactive behavioural artworks realised with specific kind of "Programmable Matter" hardware.
These artwork reacts like a living organism.

Iris :
Interactive installation with the eye
“Iris“ is a visual and sonorous interactive artwork with the gaze. The eye is the engine of the work. As long as the gaze is maintained, kaleidoscopic shapes appear and are revealed according to the movement of the iris. |

Matières sensibles :
Sound Sculpture on wood
Interactive marquetry & Bio hacking
Sensitive matter is a serie of sculptures made of very thin and delicate wood veneer sheets. These sheets of wood have distinct sonorous touch zones that follow the natural veins of wood. The wood Sculpture produce sounds when the spectators touch them

Distances :
Interactive Installation
The interactive artwork "Distances" virtually brings together people who are not able to touch themselves physically.This artwork was born in April 2020 in response to the Coronavirus crisis that forced us to be isolated and to have physical distances from the others. |

Vortex Incandescent :
Interactive Installation
Vortex incandescent is an interactive, luminous and sonorous artwork, which brings together and stimulates meeting between the public around a symbolic fireplace. This immersive light and sound installation is inspired by fire as a source of gathering around a singular light.

Phytopoiesis :
Interactive plant and Artificial Intelligence
Phytopoiesis is an interactive visual and sound art installation.
It is composed of a living plant capable of generating images using artificial intelligence.

Phonofolium Tetraèdre
Interactive trees generating lights and sounds
Phonofolium Tetraedre is an interactive artwork with 3 living trees reacting to the human touch by sounds and lights. Several sound and light characters are revealed when the audience is touching or stroking lightly them. The intensity of light’s variations evolves according to the intensity of the human contact with the trees.
The interactions of people with the trees illuminate and highlight a tetraedre light structure in front of the trees.
Art and Nature / Climatic Artwork

Résonances cristallines :
Climatic installation, interactive to the sun with sound.
«Résonances cristallines» is a sonorous artwork composed of crystalline shapes suspended in a tree. Each crystal resonates according to the rays of the sun light. |

Pulsations :
Sound art installation
Pulsation is a sound installation artwork with a living tree.
In contact with the trunk, spectators can hear and feel heartbeat’s sounds and vibrations.

Calice :
Climatic installation, interactive to the sun with sound.
«Calice» is a climatic and sound interactive artwork. It reacts to the sunlight.
This artwork is sonorous and resonates according to the sun rays.
It reflects it environment by interpreting the sun’s energy and its variations of intensity. |

Nuage Solide / Solid Cloud
Nuage solide (Solid cloud) is a floating progressive sculpture. A cloud is an immaterial and impalpable matter that reveal a climatic condition. It lives closely between three states : gaseous, solid and liquid. Because of his infinite and indeterminate metamorphosis, clouds are visible signs of the climate.

Hylé-Hélios :
Interactive Sound art installation
Hylé-Hélios is an interactive and sound installation with a living tree which evolves according to the sunlight and to interactions of audience. |

Cristallisation :
Climatic and interactive artwork installation
Cristallisation is an outdoor sculpture that invites you to share a singular ritual of meetings.The translucent crystal structure suspended in the sculpture installation resonates according to the intensity of the sunlight. At night, the artwork lights up ike a lighthouse in the park. |
Permanent Artwork / Public Commissions

Phonofolia :
Interactive artwork
Phonofolia is a sonorous and interactive garden.
This artwork questions our relations with the plants and our environment.
The trees react to the human caresses by a sound, a voice.
Ten translucent discs floating above the trees design a cloud. |

Lumifolia :
Interactive artwork
Lumifolia is an interactive garden questioning our relationships with plants and the environment in an artistic, sensitive and musical way. The leaves of the tree react to human touch with sounds and lights.

In fabula :
Perpetual media art installation
In Fabula is a perpetual media art installation made with more than 500 people of the town of villeurbanne in France. This artwork is inside the Rize centre Mémoires & Société de Villeurbanne. |

Ondulations :
Climatic artwork
Ondulations is composed of 60 fabric structures suspended. The movements of the work are varying according to the airflow entering inside the building. They highlight the movement of air and thus reflect the breath of the bio climatic building. The set evokes a cloud of waves in motion.

Miroitements :
Kinetic and solar climatic artwork
« Miroitements » is a kinetic and climatic scupture. Suspended in the air, in motion, its luminosity evolves with the intensity of the sun and the orientation of the winds. With the winds, the reflections of lights appear and disappear giving to see luminous undulations. |
Photos / objects

The project of the « design of the invisible » speaks about invisible data which surround us : biological, climatic, electromagnetic or energetic. They are « fantosmatiques ». they are at the same time ghosts (they haunt the space) and sources of fantasies (they generate desire and fears). |

Energy solstices
This project is concerned with annual daylight saving times, which are considered as two Energy solstices. They are experienced by means of a story, through objects and through symbolic actions specific to this out-of-the-ordinary space/time, and provide symbolic images of energy.

Cabinet of contemporary curiosities
The Cabinet of curiosities explore our relationship with visible or invisible living being. It proposes a scenography of an exotic travel journal which is made in our home ground. Public can discover microscopic species which are generated by industrialization and urbanization. |

Contaminations" is a series of photos and objects started in April 2020 during the Covid-19 crisis. This symbolic hybridization with spines aspires to protect our own body. This body that contaminates and protects itself at the same time. The spin is also a defence that symbolizes life.
Other Artworks
Hylé :
Interactive installation
Rencontres réelles et imaginaires : Interactive installation
Between fiction and reality :
Interactive installation and photos
Ombres incandescentes :Interactive installation
Weaving harp :
Interactive installation
Ecumes :
Interactive installation with wood and video
Escales tactiles -
Firmament éphémère -
Métamorphose éphémère -
Performance / concert / danse
La Porte du Temps - Installation sculpture
Les Parapluies de lumière - Urban choreography - luminous umbrellas
Scenocosme : Gregory Lasserre & Anais met den Ancxt -